In the New Year with a new calendar

In the New Year with a new calendar

The theme of the GRIFON calendar for 2023 was the gifts of Siberia

“From Siberia with love” - this simple and understandable phrase contains an important meaning for the GRIFON company. We create our products for people, thinking about their convenience, saving time, enjoying high-quality goods. This is exactly what our love is expressed in!

What is Siberia? This is a delightful nature that forms the identity of a Siberian and is one of the components of his life. What are the boundless taiga expanses, proud mountain ranges and crystal clear lakes. Today there are not so many places left on the planet that can boast of untouched nature. Siberia is a unique region with amazing flora and fauna.

We created this calendar thinking about the gifts of Siberia that we wanted to share with you. We tried to collect the best and most beautiful. The nature of Siberia is the gift that we all need to keep and protect.

We wish you happiness and good Siberian health!


^ Наверх